diff --git a/debian.sh b/debian.sh index 2962b66..9728bbb 100644 --- a/debian.sh +++ b/debian.sh @@ -1,10 +1,30 @@ #!/bin/bash + +# Colors +CSI="\033[" +CEND="${CSI}0m" +CRED="${CSI}1;31m" +CGREEN="${CSI}1;32m" + +# Check root access +if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]]; then + echo -e "${CRED}Sorry, you need to run this as root${CEND}" + exit 1 +fi + + wget -qO bench.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hidden-refuge/bench-sh-2/master/bench.sh chmod +x bench.sh ./bench.sh -sys ./bench.sh -io -apt-get install -y python git +./bench.sh -b +apt-get install python git -y &>/dev/null git clone https://github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli.git python speedtest-cli/setup.py install cd speedtest-cli -python ./speedtest.py \ No newline at end of file +python ./speedtest.py + +# We're done ! +echo "" +echo -e " ${CGREEN}Benchmark successful !${CEND}" +echo "" \ No newline at end of file